Can dogs eat jicama? - picture

Figuring out what the best meal your dog can get from you as a loving owner includes knowledge of all edible and not edible food types.

Can dogs eat jicama? - picture

Today, we are going to talk about jicama.

We are about to answer your question can dogs eat jicama at all.

And is it good or bad for your furry friend.

But first:

What is jicama?

Jicama is a popular Latino food type. It originates in Mexico, but today, a lot of American regions and European markets do offer jicama, as well.

To be more specific, jicama is a type of vegetable.

It has a delicious sweet taste and many people compare it to the popular sweet potatoes.

Yet, jicama does not look like potatoes.

When you look at it you might even mistake it with turnip.

Can dogs eat jicama?

The short answer is yes.

[box type=”warning” align=”” class=”” width=””]Attention:

Not all parts of jicama are edible! Please continue reading.. [/box]

It is 100% positive that a dog can enjoy the fine taste of jicama just like people do.

What is even more important is that all dog breeds are free to be fed with jicama.

So if you are a jicama lover and a pet owner, you are allowed to treat your dog with your most beloved food and even share it once in a while.

Great, right?

How to feed your dog with jicama?

Even though jicama is allowed as a part of any dog breed’s diet, you need to know that there are some specifications about its preparation.

Maybe, here is where we need to mention and to remind you that people do not eat the entire veggie.

As a person, who loves jicama, you might be aware that only roots are the edible parts of this plant. You can eat either the plants, or the skin.

The rest pieces of the plant – the ground growing – are both: not edible and even toxic.

The same goes for dogs!

You cannot give your dog jicama leaves or vines.

In all cases, you also need to peel the skin of the veggie in order to make sure you will not poison your dog.

Speaking of which, jicama parts that aren’t edible are not just going to taste badly to your dog or spoil its stomach, but can be extremely dangerous.

There is a big chance for your puppy to end up in a hospital and if no measures are taken death is also possible.

Ok, now when you know what parts of the jicama veggie are edible, you might be wondering how to serve them as a meal to your dog.

Jicama can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Many dog owners, though, worry if jicama is finely peeled and no poisonous parts are fully removed from the plant so they prefer to avoid giving fresh jicama.

As a matter of fact, if cooked jicama is even more delicate and fine to a dog’s stomach – especially to those dog breeds that have weak digestive system.

This is why we strongly recommend you to puree jicama – if you have enough time for this – before treating your dog with it.

Is jicama good for dogs?

We are 100% positive here – jicama is good to your dog.

The thing is that this veggie is quite low in calories, but rich in very healthy and beneficial nutrients.

Jicama does contain a lot of fibers which make the plant extremely useful for a diet designed for a dog that is at risk of overweight. In addition to this, fibers make metabolism work better.

What is also rich in with jicama is the big amount of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

This triple complex of important food agents keep the immune system work fine, protect the bone system and give your dog the energy it needs to be playful and cheerful all day long.

We believe this is why dieters recommend jicama either for a breakfast, or for a lunch.

Don’t hesitate to treat your dog with lovely jicama plant. It is good for people, but also for dogs, too.

Just make sure not to feed your dog with any part different from the jicama roots. It is extremely dangerous for your puppy’s health.

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